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04 Jun

Keeping Your Home Safe This Summer

Had enough of stay-at-home lock-downs, meal deliveries and endless web-surfing? Haven’t we all! So it’s time – FINALLY – for a road trip. Perhaps you have that much-needed summer escape circled on the calendar, or at least a weekend getaway planned.  Are you going camping, or jet setting to somewhere new, or going on a luxurious cruise?

Whatever you do to escape – and wherever you go – your home will instantly become a target for a break-in, vandalism, or worse.  Unless you take precautions in advance and put a plan in place before you travel, your home and valuables will be home alone and at risk!

June is National Safety Month, so it’s a good time to take a hard look at your own home security and see if it’s up to the task of keeping intruders out in your absence.

Here are a few suggestions for what you can do so your home and family don’t become victims of a home burglary while you’re away:

  • Avoid the Social Media Trap: Don’t advertising your travel plans prior to – or even and during –  your trip. While it’s tempting to share photos and stories while on-the-road adventures in your social media, you’re unwittingly giving criminals a way to track your every move.
  • Keep your yard and landscaping taken care of. Long grass and an unkempt lawn are dead giveaways that you haven’t been around in a while. Make sure to have someone handle this for you in your absence.
  • Stop mail and newspaper delivery. This might seem like an obvious step for some, but you might be surprised by how many folks forget and let newspapers pile up on the driveway.

According to the FBI’s 2019 Uniform Crime Report (most recent available), burglary accounted for 16.1% of all property crimes in 2019. Although property crimes have been dropping year-over-year, the threat is still very real and the average value of property stolen from residences (during the night) amounted to $2,345.  This makes purchasing an Iron Security Door not only a smart move, but a very cost-effective one as well!

In addition, as the temperature rises during the summer months of June through September, so do crime rates.  According to studies, crime increases up to 35% during the summer. Some estimates say one burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the US.  In the summer, burglary rates increases by up to 11%.

You can rest easy and be well-protected while away if you have a high-quality Iron Security Door from 1st Impression Ironworks.

Our Security Screen Doors make it nearly impossible for criminals to gain entry into your home, so most won’t even try it.  In fact, just seeing one of our security doors will deter most burglars, because they know they’re not getting in through one of our doors.

Contact us today at 844-476-6100 to get your own Iron Security Door, which brings the peace of mind that you and your family deserve!